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LGBTI Inclusion Strategy: Federal Government LGBTI Inclusion Strategy for Foreign Policy and Development Cooperation

Berlin: Federal Foreign Office, 2021 - 18 p.
uitgave: Berlin : Federal Foreign Office, 2021 - 18 p.
  1. beleid/politiek/wetgeving
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: This is the LGBTI Inclusion Strategy of the Federal Republic of Germany from march 2021 to promote the inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people (LGBTI) in foreign policy and development cooperation.

signatuur: cat. (feder/inc)

dgb grijs

LGBTI Inclusion Strategy: Federal Government LGBTI Inclusion Strategy for Foreign Policy and Development Cooperation
cat. (feder/inc)dgb grijs

LGBTQ Inclusion Pocket Guide

Toronto: Egale [etc.], [ca.2015] - 10 p.: ill.
uitgave: Toronto : Egale [etc.], [ca.2015] - 10 p.: ill.
  1. lhbti
  2. onderwijs
samenvatting: Deze LGBTQ Inclusion Pocket Guide bevat 10 kaarten met simpele uitleg en tips over LGBTQ-gerelateerde onderwerpen zoals pronouns, gender identity, hoe je 'ally' kan worden, etc.

signatuur: cat. (inclu/poc) k

LGBTQ Inclusion Pocket Guide
cat. (inclu/poc) k

Faisons du sport ensemble!

Paris: FSGL, 2019 - 15 p.
uitgave: Paris : FSGL, 2019 - 15 p.
  1. lhbti
  2. sport
samenvatting: Welkoms- en informatiebrochure voor de 15e editie van het Tournoi International de Paris (TIP) dat van 7 tot 9 juni 2019 plaatsvond. Het toernooi is bedoeld voor LHBTQ-sporters.

signatuur: cat. (faiso/spo) k

Faisons du sport ensemble!
cat. (faiso/spo) k

Seks op school : Werken aan seksuele integriteit in het onderwijs

Utrecht: Stichting School & Veiligheid, Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap, 2017 - 38 p.: ill.
uitgave: Utrecht : Stichting School & Veiligheid, Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap, 2017 - 38 p.: ill.
  1. homoseksualiteit
  2. onderwijs
  3. jongeren
samenvatting: Is dat nou nodig, een publicatie over seks op school? Sterker nog, het is hoog tijd! Het realiseren van sociale veiligheid op school kan niet zonder werk te maken van seksuele integriteit. Stichting School & Veiligheid wil met dit boekje schoolleiders en leraren in het po, vo en mbo inspireren en motiveren tot actie.

signatuur: cat. (stich/sek) k

Seks op school : Werken aan seksuele integriteit in het onderwijs
cat. (stich/sek) k

LGBT inclusion in sport  / Louise Englefield.

Strasbourg: Council of Europe, EPAS, 2012 - 49 p.: ill.
uitgave: Strasbourg : Council of Europe, EPAS, 2012 - 49 p.: ill.
  1. lhbti
  2. sport
samenvatting: Since the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) was set up in 2007, one of its major priorities has been the promotion of diversity in and through sport. To this end, the Council of Europe has developed a pan-European programme involving a variety of stakeholders from public authorities and the world of sport. All have an important role to play in reversing the discriminatory trends currently observed in sport and in promoting sport as a means of fostering diversity and social cohesion. This collection of handbooks of good practices is an illustration of current policies and practices throughout Europe. Its aim is to disseminate and share positive experiences highlighting the potential of sport for promoting the Council of Europe's fundamental values of human rights.

signatuur: cat. (engle/lgb) k

LGBT inclusion in sport
cat. (engle/lgb) k

GSA Leerlingenhandleiding : Alles wat je moet weten over de Gay-Straight Alliance  / Ype Driessen, Gerrit Jan Wielinga.

Amsterdam: COC Nederland, [2012] - [40] p.
uitgave: Amsterdam : COC Nederland, [2012] - [40] p.
  1. lhbti
  2. onderwijs
  3. jongeren
samenvatting: Handleiding voor scholieren in de stijl van een stripverhaal met informatie over het oprichten van een Gay-Straight Alliance op school.

signatuur: cat. (dries/gsa) k

GSA Leerlingenhandleiding : Alles wat je moet weten over de Gay-Straight Alliance
cat. (dries/gsa) k

Combating Illiberalism : Anti-'Gender Ideology' campaigns in Hungary and their Impact on LGBTI Activism  / Belinda Dear.

Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht, 2018 - 63 p.
uitgave: Utrecht : Universiteit Utrecht, 2018 - 63 p.
  1. beleid/politiek/wetgeving
  2. genderidentiteiten
samenvatting: It was Pope Francis who first used the notion of 'ideological colonisation' to refer to 'gender' as a threatening foreign import (Bracke and Paternotte 2016, 143). This is an increasingly prevalent aspect of the anti-'gender ideology' discourse as it develops in Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries such as Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Poland and Croatia (Kuhar and Paternotte 2017). Roman Kuhar and David Paternotte explain the concept of 'ideological colonisation' in the following way: " 'gender ideology' - often understood as a symptom of the depravation of Euro America - can be read as a neocolonial project through which Western activists and their governments try to export their decadent values and secularize non-Western societies" (2017, 20). As this aspect of the discourse has become particularly popular in post-socialist contexts, in this thesis I analyse the effects of anti-'gender ideology' discourse in one such context: Hungary. In Anti-Gender Campaigns in Europe: Mobilizing Against Equality (Kuhar and Paternotte 2017), scholars across Europe studying this phenomenon analyse its impacts on progressive politics, gender studies as a profession, and gender equality. The book's chapter on Hungary (Petö and Kováts 2017) examines the broader implications of anti-'gender ideology' discourse for progressive politics in Hungary, yet does not foreground its specific effects on LGBTI activism. So far, as regards Hungarian scholarship on anti-?gender ideology? campaigns, there have been no publications examining such effects. As a result, in this thesis I aim to answer the following question: How are anti-?gender ideology? campaigns affecting LGBTI activism in Eastern Europe have come to regard neoliberalism as synonymous with 'embezzlement, materialism, and cynicism'. I chose Hungary in particular due to my relative acquaintance with the country, having lived there for six years with my family in the early 2000s. As a result, I am familiar with Hungary before and after it joined the European Union, which provides me with some insight into the drastic changes brought about by EU accession. Hungary? While my research question was meant to explore forms of resistance or difficulty for activists in this context, I did not expect to encounter a field so filled with conflicts and tensions

signatuur: cat. (dear-b/com)

dgb grijs

Combating Illiberalism : Anti-'Gender Ideology' campaigns in Hungary and their Impact on LGBTI Activism
cat. (dear-b/com)dgb grijs

Mein lesbisches, queeres Wien  / Laura Wimmer, Alina Zachar (Hrsg.].

Wien: Frauenservice Wien, 2021 - 180 p.: ill.
uitgave: Wien : Frauenservice Wien, 2021 - 180 p.: ill.
  1. lhbti-beweging
samenvatting: Die Publikation »Mein lesbisches, queeres Wien« verbindet ein gemeinsames Thema vom Frauenservice Wien (MA 57) und der WASt, Wiener Antidiskriminierungsstelle für gleichgeschlechtliche und transgender Lebensweisen, in einem gemeinsamen Projekt. Sie ist die Folgepublikation vom bereits 2015 erschienenen Band »Mein lesbisches Wien« und soll einmal mehr verdeutlichen, dass die Angebote der Stadt für Alle - unabhängig ihrer sexuellen Identität und sexuellen Orientierungen - da sind. Die lesbische, die queere und die queer-feministische Szene sind in stetiger Veränderung. Nicht nur in Wien. Uns war es ein wichtiges Anliegen, Veränderungen der Diskurse aus möglichst vielen unterschiedlichen Perspektiven aufzuzeigen. Dies kann immer nur eine Momentaufnahme sein und ein Ausschnitt über einige aktuelle Entwicklungen, Diskussionen. Vollständig wird diese Momentaufnahme nie sein.

signatuur: cat. (wimme/zac) dgb grijs

Mein lesbisches, queeres Wien
cat. (wimme/zac) dgb grijs

LGBTI rights in Poland : Measures to combat discrimination and violence on grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics  / Edited by Piotr Godzisz and Pawel Knut.

Warschau: Lambda Warsaw Association, 2018 - 157 p.: ill.
uitgave: Warschau : Lambda Warsaw Association, 2018 - 157 p.: ill.
  1. lhbtq
  2. geweld/discriminatie
samenvatting: In 2018, six years after the publication of the first report, the landscape of protection of LGBT rights in Poland has radically changed. After the general election in 2015 was won by the Law and Justice party LGBTI community in Poland started witnessing a carefully tailored process of dismantling the system of existing protection of LGBTI persons. The weakening of the protection has become particularly visible in areas such as the Right to Life, Security and Protection from Violence; the Right for Respect of Personal and Family life, Education and Health. Once again, upon the invitation of ILGA-Europe and TGEU two leading Polish LGBT NGOs, Lambda Warsaw and the Campaign Against Homophobia engaged into the process of assessing the level of implementation of the Recommendation. Research for the second report was conducted from March until June 2018 and covered the period from 2012 until 2018. Data gathered during this analysis revealed that in the examined period (especially after 2015) little attention was paid by the authorities to guarantees arising from the Recommendation. The knowledge about the existence of this document is still limited, both among state actors that are responsible for its implementation as well as general public. Also, despite the invitations sent by Lambda Warsaw and Campaign Against Homophobia to authorities responsible for preparing inputs for the state report (encouraging to organise joint meetings aimed at exchanging knowledge and experience in the areas covered by the Recommendation), public institutions showed little or no interest in establishing such cooperation. At the time of finalizing this research, the state report still has not been published. Thus, the review included in this document refers mainly to the knowledge and experience of the NGOs that have been working in Poland for the benefit of LGBTI persons throughout the whole period covered by this study.

signatuur: cat. (godzi/knu)

dgb grijs

LGBTI rights in Poland : Measures to combat discrimination and violence on grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics
cat. (godzi/knu)dgb grijs

Sticker 'This is a Safe Space'

ca. 2010-2020. - M02464
beschrijving: Sticker met een afbeelding van een gele schoolbus en een regenboog. In witte hoofdletters staat er 'This a Safe Space'. Rechts onderaan is het lgo van Egale te zien. Egale (Equality for Gays and Lesbians Everywhere) is Canada's grootste organisatie voor '2SLGBTQI-personen en thema's'. Egale werd opgericht in 1986.
trefwoord: egale
organisatie: Egale
formaat/maat HxB: 4,5 x 12,4
land: canada

Sticker 'This is a Safe Space'


( DE:"anti-queer discriminatie" )

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